Strategies for Maximizing Time With Your Children as a Non-Custodial Parent in Florida

As a non-custodial parent in Florida, you may face challenges when spending time with your children. Although your rights as a parent may not be the same as they are for a custodial parent, there are several strategies you can use to maximize the time you have with your children. Working with a trusted law firm in Miami can help determine what is possible in your particular situation.

How to Get The Most Out of Your Parenting Time?

First and foremost, understand your legal rights as a non-custodial parent. In Florida, non-custodial parents are afforded many rights and responsibilities. These include rights to visitation, communication with the child’s custodial parent or guardian, decision-making authority regarding the child’s education, religion, health care, and other matters, and access to school records. By understanding these rights and responsibilities, non-custodial parents can ensure that their parenting time is maximized and respected.

Once you understand your legal rights as a non-custodial parent, the next step is to ensure that you make the most of your parenting time. Be prepared for each visit and know what activities you will do with your child ahead of time. This can help ensure that the time is meaningful and enjoyable for you and your child.

Additionally, when communicating with the custodial parent or guardian about parenting time, be flexible and considerate of their schedules. Showing respect for their plans can help foster a more positive relationship.

Finally, making the most of your visits when you can have them is essential. Stay off your phone and focus on spending quality time with your child. Ask questions, listen to their answers and show an interest in their day-to-day life.

When you cannot see your child in person, find ways to stay connected through digital media or snail mail. Be sure to keep up with significant milestones in their life—such as birthdays or graduations—by sending cards or gifts.

Think about Your Long-Term Objectives!

Most parents in a non-custodial relationship with their children are not in that situation by choice. Usually, some incident occurred, or some allegation was made that caused the Court to award primary custody of the children to the other parents. Most parents want full and equal timesharing with their children. Suppose your goal is ultimately to regain timesharing with your children. In that case, whether it be 50/50 or a long-distance timesharing plan, it is essential that you create a plan of action with your attorney to accomplish those goals. The first thing to keep in mind is that you must follow all court orders, therapy recommendations, and reunification sessions required by the Court. The second thing is to make sure you are using a program like Our Family Wizard or Talking Parents to communicate with the other parent. That way, no one can allege you said something that you didn’t. Lastly, don’t lose hope. It can be a long process to reunify and get equal timesharing. You have to rebuild that relationship with your child, and the Court has to see evidence that will make the judge comfortable in awarding equal timesharing. Stay the course and talk with your attorney.

Consult an Attorney

As a non-custodial parent in Florida, maximizing time with your children can be complicated. To ensure that your rights as a non-custodial parent are fully respected and that you get the most out of your visitation or custodial arrangement, consult a family law attorney in Miami, FL. Heidi Kirlew, Esq. and the Kirlew Law Firm is skilled and experienced in handling child custody cases. Call us at 305-521-0484 or visit us online at