drug crime lawyer

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Charged with Drug Trafficking in Miami

Being accused of a drug charge can put you in a difficult situation. For this reason, it is best to stay informed and make things easier for yourself. Here are some common mistakes to avoid and beat drug trafficking charges in Miami.

Mistake #1. Talking To The Police

Solution: One of the most common mistakes people commit is talking to authorities without legal representation—anything you say or do can be used against you in court. Do not speak with the police, regardless of whether they read your Miranda rights. Shut up, stay quiet and say nothing.

Mistake #2. Not Understanding Your Rights

Solution: Many people are unaware of their rights during an arrest. Besides, you are also confused and intimidated by the situation. Know that you have the right to remain silent and the right to have an attorney. Yes, this often means you will be arrested and jailed. But at least you will have a defensible case and a better chance of winning in court. Use these rights to avoid self-incrimination and to ensure you don’t ruin your case before it starts.

Mistake #3. Talking on the Jail Phones

Solution: SHUT UP. Do not talk on the jail phones about your case. Just don’t do it. If the person on the other line asks what is going on with the case, simply tell them when your next court date is and to show up and ask the lawyer questions or contact the lawyer for an update. Every call in the jail is recorded. Numerous cases are proven by the jail calls and the accused incriminating himself in those calls. 

Mistake #4. Disregarding Legal Advice

Solution: Once you have secured an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer, trust their expertise. A Miami drug lawyer experienced in handling cases like yours can manage the expected twists and turns that will come up in a legal case. Their advice can be invaluable in securing your future. Follow the advise of the lawyer you hire and trust that they will put your interests first.

Mistake #5. Discussing Your Case Publicly

Solution: The more you are tempted to discuss your case with friends, family, coworkers, or on social media, the more we emphasize not doing so. Public statements can be used as evidence against you. It can jeopardize your defense. What you post on social media often comes back to bite you in the ass. This is the same thing as when you post pictures of guns on social media, drugs, or lots of cash. It becomes an exhibit in your trial. Stay off social media and don’t ruin your case before it begins.

Mistake #6. Not staying in Contact with your Lawyer

Solution: Always check in with your lawyer, ask for updates, and stay engaged in the process. Do not just assume that, because you hire a lawyer, everything will be okay, and you do not have to do anything. The more you know and the more you are a part of your legal defense, the better your outcome will be.

Mistake #7. Assuming You Will Get a Plea Deal

Solution: Many people unaware of the court system might think they will automatically be offered a plea deal. When you are charged with a crime, this isn’t the case. Your criminal defense attorney may be able to negotiate one, but not everyone is offered a deal. Sometimes the plea deal is so high it is not a deal at all. Preparing a case for trial is the only way to ensure that you get a decent plea offer and that it is worth considering.

Mistake #8. Underestimating the Seriousness of the Charges

Solution: Drug trafficking charges are serious. These can result in minimum mandatory sentences, long-term imprisonment, and substantial fines. You must take these charges seriously and seek immediate legal counsel to prepare for a successful defense strategy. Don’t assume it isn’t a big deal. It can jeopardize your entire life. Act now and treat it seriously.

Get Expert Legal Help Now

If you are facing drug charges in Miami, you can contact The Kirlew Law Firm for a free phone consultation. Our experts dedicatedly provide aggressive and effective representation to help you navigate these turbulent waters. Call us at (305) 521-0484 to find out how we can protect your rights and increase your chances of a favorable outcome.