What you need to know about Drug Trafficking, Sale and Possession Offenses.

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Anyone that finds themselves arrested and charged in a narcotics prosecution can see their lives in upheaval. Even when it’s simple possession, it is a severe offense, and the consequences are enough to make you unsure about your future. For many reasons, federal drug crimes may be one of the most challenging cases to defend. The DEA is known to investigate, gather photographic and video evidence over months and years. Our team is uniquely trained and experienced in handling these kinds of cases.

If you are suspected or targeted in an investigation related to the trafficking, manufacturing, or smuggling of a controlled substance, your personal and financial future may be at risk. Now is time to get in touch with Miami Drug Crimes Attorney Brian Kirlew. We will give you and your case the attention it deserves and fight for your freedom.


There several types of federal and state drug crimes, and each one has its nuances and defense strategy. The Kirlew Law Firm is confident in its expertise to pursue the best legal options to fight the charges and reduce exposure through legal research and negotiation. We can frequently reduce the number of charges a client faces or even obtain an outright dismissal through proper investigation and preparation by suppressing evidence or other legal maneuvers.

If you believe you or a loved one has been arrested or suspected of committing any criminal offense involving controlled substances like cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, MDMA, and marijuana, contact our offices immediately at 305-521-0484.



If you think you are under investigation, call our offices. Do not text anyone or contact anyone over the phone, through social media, or any other medium. The only phone call that is protected is the one to a lawyer.

By retaining counsel, you can mitigate the damage that has or can be done in your case. The Kirlew Law Firm handles criminal drug offense like:

  • Cocaine Trafficking
  • Armed Trafficking
  • Drug manufacturing/ cultivation
  • Drug sale
  • Drug paraphernalia
  • Heroin crimes
  • Marijuana crimes
  • Importation of narcotics
  • Transportation of drugs and more.

These charges can lead to high bonds, house arrest, a permanent felony record, lengthy prison sentences, and long-term probations. Drug crime charges are no joke, so if you find yourself in such a situation, contact an experienced and aggressive lawyer who will fight your case like it was their own.

When we are retained, we immediately craft a legal strategy that will fit your specific needs and your case. Among those are:

  • Obtaining a bond or favorable terms of surrender
  • Building defense
  • Helping you understand your charges
  • Educating you of your rights
  • Representing you in judicial processes
  • Negotiating with the prosecution
  • Preparing the case for trial and trying the case

The Kirlew Law Firm attorneys work diligently to conduct thorough research and investigation to distinguish facts from fiction. It allows us to assess your case’s strengths and weaknesses while creating the best line of defense against your charges. Since the government must prove all elements beyond a reasonable doubt, we aggressively attack the veracity of the state’s allegations, the specific details of their prosecution and challenge the witnesses, who are usually police officers and paid informants.


With our main office in Miami and a footprint that extends from the Florida Keyes to West Palm Beach, we have the resources, experience, and ability to fight back against these kinds of charges. At the Kirlew Law Firm, we are true to the legal principle that you are innocent unless proven guilty. We are committed to understanding the specifics of your case and fighting for your freedom.

Your freedom is our priority. We tirelessly fight for your right to life and liberty. If you or someone you know is facing drug crime accusations, the Kirlew Law Firm is the team you can count on.

Our clients always turn to us because of our history of unmatched successes in even the most difficult cases. We are capable and willing to fight your case to gain the desired results. Our top-notch attorneys have your back and understand how to build the right defense. Contact us today at 305-521-084 or visit us on the web at https://kirlewlawfirm.com/miami-dui-defense-lawyer/ for a free consultation.

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