Filing For a Domestic Violence Injunction in Florida

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Do you know that at some point in their lives, 1 out of every four women and 1 out of every seven men will experience domestic violence or abuse from someone they know? It’s unfortunate but also shows the importance of knowing your available legal options in such situations.

Know your grounds!

In Florida, “domestic violence” includes behaviors meant to instill fear in the victim, like physical or sexual violence, emotional or economic abuse, stalking, isolation, pet abuse, or threats involving children. You can file for an injunction if the abuser lives with you, used to live with you, or is a former spouse or co-parent. You can file even if the person resides in another state under certain circumstances.

If you are being subjected to domestic violence, your nearest Court Clerk in Florida will help you. So, the first step to breaking the cycle of fear and abuse is reaching out to them.

You can file an injunction for protection at the Clerk’s Office during court hours. Once you submit your application, the Clerk’s Office notifies the judge, and you might receive a Temporary Injunction and a Notice of Hearing. However, the court might also schedule a hearing without a temporary injunction. You must attend this hearing, or they could dismiss your injunction.

If you are the one being accused, keep up with the case. The Clerk’s Office will serve you with the petition, hearing notice, and any temporary injunction. You will receive mail notifications of your initial hearing or case management dates ( usually 30 to 45 days after filing the charges).

Contact an experienced attorney today!

If you are filing for divorce after domestic violence, it’s important to choose an experienced Miami domestic violence attorney. They know the nuances of domestic violence cases and are trained to handle them expertly. What you write and how you alleged it is critical to issuing a temporary injunction.

You must know your rights whether you are filing for a domestic violence injunction or facing charges. Expert domestic violence attorneys in Miami, FL, like those from the Kirlew Law Firm, can help you with that. With their guidance and support, you can ensure fair treatment and make your voice heard. Contact the Kirlew Law Firm online or at 305-521-0484 for a free phone consultation today!

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