What You Should Know About Prenuptial Agreements in Florida

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In Florida, as in many places, marriage serves as a legal contract. Now, you might think, “Legal contract? That sounds a bit cold.” But consider this—if your marriage does not work out and you head toward divorce, the division of your assets in Florida (a non-community property state) might surprise you.

Despite their bad reputation, prenuptial agreements help safeguard your financial future. They allow you and your soon-to-be spouse to decide how to split your assets if things go south. But they are not exactly straightforward and can be contested later on. That’s why you should consider working with an experienced family law attorney in Miami, FL.

What’s a prenuptial agreement?

You have likely heard of prenuptial agreements, sometimes called “prenups” or premarital agreements. Couples sign these legal documents before they get married. These documents establish the ground rules for each person’s rights and responsibilities during a divorce or if one partner passes away while still married.

Who needs a prenup?

Consider, for example, a couple in their fifties—each with their own assets and children from previous marriages. They might prefer not to mix their finances in a new marriage, especially if their net worth differs significantly. A prenup can ensure their children (and not the new spouse) receive those assets in case of divorce or death.

Moreover, prenups can address alimony agreements, property rights, and even penalties for adultery. They also outline roles within the marriage (like child-rearing responsibilities, financial contributions, and living arrangements) so long as everything remains legal.

Florida’s rules for prenups

A prenup must adhere to Florida’s Uniform Premarital Agreement Act (UPAA) rules to be valid in the state. These include:

  • Parties must draft the agreement in writing and notarize it.
  • Both parties must sign willingly and without any pressure.
  • The agreement must be reasonable—anything too one-sided or illegal terms won’t be acceptable.
  • The agreement only becomes valid once you actually marry.

Keep in mind that Florida prenups can’t violate any laws or conflict with public policy. Specifically, they can’t interfere with child support rights. And while waiving alimony is an option, the courts might not honor it if it leaves one party destitute y after a divorce.

Prenups also tend to come under scrutiny during a divorce. If undue pressure or dishonest asset disclosure was involved, the agreement could be set aside and void. Deviating from the prenup terms, like mixing finances when you agreed to keep them separate, can also weaken a prenup’s enforceability.

Contact The Kirlew Law Firm!

Are you considering drafting or reviewing a prenup? The Kirlew Law Firm is here to help. Contact Heidi Kirlew, Esq. at 305-521-0484. Our firm is recognized as one of the best law firms in Miami. We can guide you through the process, ensuring your rights are protected and your voice is heard. Contact the Kirlew Law Firm for a free consultation today!

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